Director with his message
SG Power Projects Pvt. Ltd. was built with a mission in 2013. The mission is to transform energy and make India a self-sufficient country in all respects. The use of renewable sources of energy is today’s need. Water, air, and solar energy can be utilised to a large extent to meet the growing populations. The non-renewable resources of electricity such as coal and natural gases, will be at a deficit if we try to meet all the needs with these. So, now we have renewable resources to focus on, and these supplement the conventional resources quite well. Still, many people in India don’t have the supply of stable electricity connection at their households, and this is disheartening.
India has started to develop the infrastructure to provide renewable resources to the general public with the help of dams, windmills and solar panels. But, the main problem lies in their efficiencies. We do have built the infrastructure, but our country lacks in their maintenance and efficient distribution. So, in short, inefficient allocation and lack of maintenance of these powerplants bring us back to the same position as earlier w.r.t. Household electricity. So, this is where we focus. We take care of the maintenance and supplies related to these powerplants.
But, like everyone, even we have a niche to follow. We have our focus on the dams. Hydroelectric powerplants have considerable demands in terms of power distribution, and we have taken many responsibilities to take care that the efficiencies of these are improved. But, along with this idea, there is also an idea of a clean India. Yes, we take care of that. We try to work with the machines by reducing the wastes and pollution sources as much as we can.
Safety of our employees is our other focus. I have been working on these sites for the past 30 years, and I know what it means to lose a life. Every worker, engineer and contractor has the right to safety, and I, personally, take care of the safety system. No lags or faults are taken lightly, and we inspect the sites at regular intervals to ensure safety.
It is quite commendable that our customers have appreciated the services provided by SG Power Projects Pvt. Ltd. because of our excellent staff and system. I would congratulate every person associated with our company for their dedication towards their work.
I understand what family means to a working individual and he/she must spend some time with them. And, I try to advise every individual to lead a proper work-life balance to lead a successful and prospective life ahead- a message!
Finally, it is because of my family and friends who have always supported me to create my own entity and live for my dreams even at a later stage of my life.
Thanks & Regards,
Atanu Sengupta
Director & Co-founder
SG Power Projects Pvt. Ltd.
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