Replacement of Oil Seal of Wicket Gate Servomotor of Unit # 2 at PHPS, DVC, Panchet
Project Name: PANCHET HEP/ DVC, PANCHET- Jharkhand, 2 X 40
JALDHAKA – Dismantling & Assembly of Pressure Relief Valve for Units 3 & 4 of Stage 1 HEP
Project Name: West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company (WBSEDCL) Ltd.
JALDHAKA – Removal of Old Governor systems, Installation & Commissioning of New Microprocessor digital governor for Units 1 & 2 of Stage 2 HEP
Project Name: Andritz Hydro Pvt. Ltd. Jaldhaka Hydel Project 2
KALIJHORA – Annual Maintenance of 4 X 40 MW Kaplan Hydro Turbine & Generating assembly
Project Name: NHPC Ltd., Kalijhora, 4 X 40 MW
MAITHON – Residual Life Assessment (RLA) Study of Unit 1 & 3, dismantling, testing NDT, Electrical & Mechanical erection, alignment & commissioning of Turbine, Generator & Electrical accessories
Project Name: MAITHON HEP/ DVC, Maithon Dam- Jharkhand, 3 X
MAITHON – Runner Blade repairing (3 cracks) of Unit 1
Project Name: MAITHON HEP/ DVC, Maithon Dam- Jharkhand, 3 X
MAITHON – Carbon Seal (Shaft Seal) replacement with the rectification of Guide vane leakage by repair replacement of its guide vane, bush, seals, cooling pipeline, etc. of Unit 1
Project Name: MAITHON HEP/ DVC, Maithon Dam- Jharkhand, 3 X
PANCHET – Annual Rate Contract (ARC) for Maintenance Work in the field of Electrical, Mechanical & Instrument section of powerhouse including Intake and Dam area
Project Name: PANCHET HEP/ DVC, Panchet- Jharkhand, 2 X 40
PANCHET – Isolation of Turbine for RLA Study Work Unit 1, Stoplog gate & Intake gates (5 nos.) repairing & installation
Project Name: PANCHET HEP/ DVC, Panchet- Jharkhand, 2 X 40
PANCHET – ARC of Mechanical Equipment Maintenance of Units 1 & 2
Project Name: PANCHET HEP/ DVC, Panchet- Jharkhand, 2 X 40
PANCHET – Turbine Cooling water & Guide bearing repairing of Unit 2 PHPS
Project Name: PANCHET HEP/ DVC, Panchet- Jharkhand, 2 X 40
PANCHET – ARC of Mechanical Equipment Maintenance of Units 1 & 2
Project Name: PANCHET HEP/ DVC, Panchet- Jharkhand, 2 X 40
PANCHET – Repairing of Combine Thrust Bearing & Guide Bearing Coolers & water piping along with adjustment of Upper Guide Bearing Pads of Unit 1
Project Name: PANCHET HEP/ DVC, Panchet- Jharkhand, 2 X 40
MAITHON – Replacement of old Governor pilot valve, supply installation & commissioning of new pilot valve
Project Name: MAITHON HEP/ DVC, Maithon Dam- Jharkhand, 3 X
PANCHET – Lean Period Mechanical Maintenance Work, 2 X 40 MW
Project Name: PANCHET HEP/ DVC, Panchet- Jharkhand, 2 X 40